Centre County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Every two years, the CCMPO is responsible for developing and adopting a short-range, four-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Centre County TIP details the planned expenditure of federal funds and some state capital funds for specific projects within specified limits of fiscal constraint. In order to be included on the TIP, projects must also be included on the CCMPO's adopted Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
The TIP years are based on the federal fiscal year, which extends from October 1 to September 30, and reflect the first four years of Pennsylvania's Twelve Year Program.
PennDOT's Multimodal Project Mapping System Interactive Query (MPMS IQ) is a web-based GIS interactive mapping application for highway and bridge projects that are on the Commonwealth’s Twelve Year Program (TYP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
The federal Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Public Law 114-94357) requires metropolitan planning organizations to publish an annual report that lists transportation projects and programs for which federal funding was obligated in the previous federal fiscal year of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Click the link above to view the report.