Adopted Centre County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2050

Message from the CCMPO Staff

The new LRTP 2050 is a transitional plan that includes several elements of the current plan but adds new information about the data-driven, performance-based transportation planning approach now required by federal regulations. However, because more data must be compiled and analyzed by the CCMPO, PennDOT, CATA, and the Centre County Office of Transportation to make the full transition to a performance-based plan, the CCMPO anticipates updating the LRTP again in the next 2-3 years, instead of the typical 4-5 year time-frame. Click here to view the entire LRTP Document (please be patient while loading - it is a large document).

Chapters 1 and 2 provide the background and framework of the new plan. Chapter 2 illustrates the CCMPO’s goals and objectives for long range transportation planning. The goals and objectives have been developed and enhanced through the last few updates of the LRTP.

Chapters 3 and 4 primarily focus on existing conditions, including information about the condition of the transportation system and the demand for travel (albeit in the pre-COVID-19 era). The recent introduction of performance-based planning is explained in Chapter 4, which also specifies targets for how the transportation system needs to perform in the future.

Chapters 5 and 6 provide new information about policy items and strategic directions. In Chapter 5, there is information about six topics that address emerging transportation options and technology. Within each topic, look for the section about future actions and planning implications. Chapter 6 covers strategic directions and actions addressing various modes of travel.

Chapters 7 and 8 focus on the funding estimated to be available for projects over the 30-year horizon period of the plan, by mode of travel. Although the number of projects included in the new plan is less than the current plan because of reduced funding, many key projects have been carried over. As the CCMPO completes the transition to an LRTP that focuses more on performance and asset management, the project list is expected to change again in the next plan update. This plan does include new narrative in Chapter 8 about important highway projects that are beyond the funding allocation at this time but could be included in a future plan if more funding is available.

Chapter 8 also includes a short-term Action Plan that identifies activities that the CCMPO intends to complete as the transition continues to a performance-based approach. These activities will be the focus of the CCMPO’s long range transportation planning efforts in the next few years.

Several appendices provide data, analyses and evaluations that support various chapters in the plan. Of note is Appendix D, which documents the extensive stakeholder input process that was introduced for this update. Thank you to all the local officials, other stakeholders, and members of the public who provided comments that helped shape the new LRTP 2050, and will continue to shape future plans.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has significantly impacted and will continue to impact the transportation system. Impacts have already been seen in the reduced fuel tax revenues that in turn affect funding for transportation projects; in delays in implementing projects; by the decline in ridership on public transportation; by increases in pedestrian and bicycle traffic; and by a shift to remote means of working, shopping, and conducting medical appointments. As more information becomes available, both the short- and long-term impacts of the pandemic will be addressed in the next LRTP update.

Adopted LRTP 2050 Documents