Centre County Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) serves as the official transportation plan for a metropolitan area. The LRTP documents the current and future transportation demand and identifies long-term improvements and projects to meet those needs. The Centre County LRTP guides decision-making about transportation improvements in Centre County. Federal regulations require that the LRTP:

  • Consider all modes of transportation
  • Cover at least a twenty year period
  • Consider federal planning factors
  • Be fiscally constrained
  • Provide for public participation
  • Be updated at least every five years

The planning factors specified in federal regulations provide the framework for developing an LRTP. In addition, PennDOT provides guidance to help MPOs prepare LRTPs, and local policies and plans also play a role in the development of an LRTP that illustrates how transportation investments will address current and future needs.