PA Act 13 - Information for Local Municipalities

On February 14, 2012, Governor Corbett signed Act 13 of 2012, the Unconventional Gas Well Impact Fee Act, amending the 1984 Oil and Gas Act.  Act 13 contains three broad areas of focus, including:  industry regulations, municipal zoning and land use controls, and impact fees on unconventional oil and gas wells.

Administrative responsibilities for implementing Chapter 23 (drilling impact fee) and Chapter 33 (municipal zoning and land use controls) rest with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) PUC FAQs. The PUC has produced a PowerPoint Presentation to highlight the requirements and provisions of Act 13; click here to view a PDF of the presentation.

Additional information regarding Act 13 and the municipalities' responsibilities is also available at the Centre County Planning & Community Development Office webpage at: