Title VI Policy and Complaint Procedures

Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
Title VI Program Update
Adopted June 28, 2022, updated January 2024

1. General requirements and guidelines: Chapter III of FTA Circular C 4702.1B describes the following procedures that all applicants for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) financial assistance should follow to ensure that their programs, policies, and activities comply with Department of Transportation (DOT) Title VI regulations:

  1. Requirement to provide Title VI assurances:  The CCMPO will provide the required Title VI assurances through the US Department of Transportation (DOT) component of the master grant agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).  The CCMPO maintains a hard copy of this agreement on file for review and inspection.  Should the CCMPO provide grant funds to a sub-recipient in the future, the CCMPO will generate an assurance between the sub-recipient and the CCMPO substantiating sub-recipient compliance with Title VI.
  2. Requirements for first-time applicants: This requirement applies only to first-time applicants and is not applicable to the CCMPO.
  3. Requirement to prepare and submit a Title VI Program: Every Title VI Program shall include the following information:
    • Requirement to notify beneficiaries of protection under Title VI: The required statement of policy and public notice can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Title VI / Non-Discrimination Information” section (https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E) and is posted at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801) in both English and Simplified Chinese.  The full text of the statement of policy and public notice is included as Appendix A, again in both English and Simplified Chinese.
    • Requirements to develop Title VI complaint procedures and complaint form: The required procedures and form can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Title VI / Non-Discrimination Complaint Procedures and Form” section (https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=F0F185A7-3BE0-46D3-BCEC-80C802B43FC6) and is located at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801) in both English and Simplified Chinese. The full text of these procedures is included as Appendix B, again in both English and Simplified Chinese.  The full text of the form is included as Appendix C, also in English and Simplified Chinese.
    • Requirement to record and report Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits: During the previous three-year period, no Title VI or other discrimination or civil rights investigations, complaints, or lawsuits have been recorded against the CCMPO.  Going forward, the log used to record such investigations, complaints, or lawsuits will also be used to track and analyze requests for accommodation, such as language accommodation and translation.  This log is provided to CCMPO staff, and is included as Appendix D.
    • Requirement to promote inclusive public participation: The CCMPO maintains a Public Participation Plan (PPP), which includes information regarding outreach methods to engage populations of interest, as well as a summary of recent outreach efforts.  The required PPP can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Public Participation Plan” section (https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=772E1BA9-8784-47AF-B233-AFB02300A365) and is located at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801).  The full text of the current PPP is included as Appendix E. This document was revised for adoption by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in February 2023.  This revision addresses PennDOT review comments from September 2019.
    • Requirement to provide meaningful access to LEP persons: Satisfaction of this requirement includes a Four Factor Analysis to inform to inform language access planning, followed by the development of a Language Assistance Plan that includes specific actions to promote meaningful access.  The required Four Factor Analysis and Language Assistance Plan can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Limited English Proficiency Plan” section (https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=8B317311-25CC-4F3B-B399-C5103108DEB6) and is located at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801).

2. Requirements for Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Chapter VI of FTA Circular C 4702.1B describes the following procedures that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) receiving Federal Transit Administration (FTA) financial assistance should follow to ensure that their programs, policies, and activities comply with Department of Transportation (DOT) Title VI regulations:

  • Demographic profile of the metropolitan area that includes identification of the locations of minority populations in the aggregate:  The CCMPO completed its most recent demographic profile for Centre County by census tract as part of Chapter 3 (“Existing Conditions”) of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2050, which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in September 2020 and includes the relevant sections as Appendix H

Moreover, the CCMPO completed its most recent identification and mapping of locations of minority populations in the aggregate as part of Section 19 (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in June 2022 and is included as Appendix I.

These two components will be updated  as updated 5-year ACS data or decennial census data becomes available, or as the LRTP and TIP documents are updated – whichever occurs first.

  • Description of the procedures by which the mobility needs of minority populations are identified and considered within the planning processThe CCMPO Public Participation Plan (PPP) – which includes information regarding outreach methods to engage minority and LEP populations, as well as a summary of recent outreach efforts – can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Public Participation Plan” section (https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=772E1BA9-8784-47AF-B233-AFB02300A365) and is located at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801). The current PPP is included as Appendix E.  This document was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee on February 28, 2023. This revision addresses PennDOT review comments from September 2019.

Moreover, the CCMPO also described procedures by which the mobility needs of minority populations are identified and considered within the planning process as part of Appendix B (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2050, which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in September 2020 and is included as Appendix J

Last, the CCMPO also describes these relevant procedures as part of Section 19 (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in June 2022 and is included as Appendix I.

These three components will be updated  as updated 5-year ACS data or decennial census data becomes available, or as the PPP, LRTP, and TIP documents are updated – whichever occurs first.

  • Demographic maps that overlay the percent minority and non-minority populations, and charts that analyze the impacts of the distribution of state and federal funds in the aggregate for transportation purposes:  The CCMPO includes such maps and charts as part of Appendix B (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2050, which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in September 2020 and is included as Appendix J

Moreover, the CCMPO also includes such maps and charts as part of Section 19 (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in June 2022 and is included as Appendix I.

These two components will be updated  as updated 5-year ACS data or decennial census data becomes available, or as the LRTP and TIP documents are updated – whichever occurs first.

  • Analysis of impacts identified as disparate on the basis of race, color, or national origin; determination of whether there is a substantial legitimate justification for the policy that resulted in the disparate Impacts; and alternatives that could be employed that would have a less discriminatory impact:  The CCMPO includes such an analysis as part of Appendix B (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2050, which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in September 2020, and is included as Appendix J

Moreover, the CCMPO also includes such an analysis as part of Section 19 (“Environmental Justice Analysis”) of the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which was adopted by the CCMPO Coordinating Committee in June 2022 and is included as Appendix I.

These two components will be updated  as updated 5-year ACS data or decennial census data becomes available, or as the LRTP and TIP documents are updated – whichever occurs first.

  • Requirements for program administration:  The CCMPO shall prepare and maintain, but not report unless requested by FTA, the following information:
    • A record of funding requests received from private non-profit organizations, State or local governmental authorities, and Native American tribes.  The record shall identify those applicants that would use grant program funds to provide assistance to predominantly minority populations. The record shall also indicate which applications were rejected and accepted for funding;
    • A description of how the MPO develops its competitive selection process or annual program of projects submitted to FTA as part of its grant applications.  This description shall emphasize the method used to ensure the equitable distribution of funds to sub-recipients that serve predominantly minority populations, including Native American tribes, where present. Equitable distribution can be achieved by engaging in outreach to diverse stakeholders regarding the availability of funds, and ensuring the competitive process is not itself a barrier to selection of minority applicants; and
    • A description of the CCMPO’s criteria for selecting entities to participate in an FTA grant program.
  • Approval by the recipient’s Board of Directors, or appropriate governing entity or official(s) responsible for policy decisions:  The CCMPO’s Coordinating Committee serves as the agency’s governing body responsible for policy decisions. A copy of the meeting minutes of the June 28, 2022 CCMPO Coordinating Committee meeting indicates adoption of the CCMPO Title VI Program Update on page 217, and is included as Appendix K.

Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)

Appendix A
Federal law and regulations require that a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) be designated for urbanized areas with a population of 50,000 or more, to manage the distribution of federal transportation funds through a comprehensive, continuing and coordinated planning process. The Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) is the transportation planning entity for Centre County, Pennsylvania. The specific functions of the CCMPO include:
  • Developing a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) every two years to describe key planning activities and policy actions;
  • Maintaining a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) – a fiscally-constrained description of transportation strategies and policies, updated at least every five years, that cover a minimum 20-year planning horizon;
  • Developing a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) – a four-year intermodal program describing transportation project schedules, funding amounts, funding sources, and lead agencies, updated every two years;
  • Evaluating transportation alternatives; and
  • Conducting public involvement in accordance with an adopted Public Participation Plan (PPP)

Title VI Statement of Policy

The CCMPO functions as both a primary recipient and sub-recipient of federal transportation funds. Accordingly, it is the policy of the CCMPO to ensure that no person shall – on the grounds of race, color, or national origin – be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of its programs, services, or activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice by the CCMPO under Title VI may file a complaint with the CCMPO, or other federal and/or state agencies providing oversight.

Additional information concerning the CCMPO’s obligations under this policy, as well as the full complaint procedures and complaint forms, can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Title VI / Non-Discrimination Information” section directly below, by calling (814) 231-3050, or in person at the following address:

 Principal Transportation Planner / Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator
Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
c/o Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA)
2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4
State College, PA  16801

If information is needed in another language, please call (814) 231-3050.

This notice can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Title VI / Non-Discrimination Information” section below and is posted at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801) in both English and Simplified Chinese.


Non-Discrimination Statement of Policy

The CCMPO functions as both a primary recipient and sub-recipient of federal transportation funds. Accordingly, it is the policy of the CCMPO to ensure that no person shall – on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religious creed, disability, sex, age, income, language, or limited English proficiency  – be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of its programs, services, or activities, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and any other related federal, state, or local non-discrimination and/or civil rights laws and regulations.

Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice by the CCMPO under any federal, state, or local non-discrimination and/or civil rights laws and regulations may file a complaint with the CCMPO, or other federal and/or state agencies providing oversight.  Please see “Administration” section below.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO), or anyone who has a complaint that a program, service, or activity of the CCMPO is not accessible to persons with disabilities should contact:

Principal Transportation Planner / ADA Coordinator
Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
c/o Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA)
2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4
State College, PA  16801
(814) 231-3050


Environmental Justice (EJ) / Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Statement of Policy

It is further the policy of the CCMPO to prevent discrimination against low-income and minority populations as a result of any impact of its programs, services, and activities, in accordance with Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and in Low-Income Populations). This includes a commitment to make every reasonable effort to:

  • Identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effects, including social and economic effects, to low-income and minority populations; and
  • Prevent the denial, reduction, or delay in benefits related to programs, services, and activities that benefit low-income and minority populations.

Moreover, the CCMPO will ensure meaningful access to its programs, services, and activities for those persons who have Limited English Proficiency (LEP), in accordance with Executive Order 13166 (Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency).


Definition of Federal Financial Assistance and Recipients Affected

Federal financial assistance is defined as any federal funding that is assigned to the CCMPO to support any program and activity, by way of grant, loan, or contract, other than a contract of insurance or guaranty. The CCMPO receives funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to carry out the transportation planning requirements set forth by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Moreover, the CCMPO assists in administering federal funding from the FHWA and FTA that is utilized by agencies to construct, operate, and maintain a variety of transportation improvements.



The responsibility for carrying out the CCMPO’s commitment to these policies rests with the CCMPO Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator.  The CCMPO Compliance Officer administers these non-discrimination policies and programs, and will receive and investigate discrimination and civil rights complaints which come through the CCMPO’s established complaint procedures.

Additional information concerning the CCMPO’s obligations under this policy, as well as the full complaint procedures and complaint forms, can be found on the CCMPO website in the “Title VI / Non-Discrimination Information” section, by calling (814) 231-3050, or in person at the following address:

Principal Transportation Planner / Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator
Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
c/o Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA)
2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4
State College, PA  16801




联邦法律和法规要求为人口在 50,000 人或以上的城市化地区指定一个大都市规划组织(MPO),以通过全面、持续和协调的规划过程管理联邦交通资金的分配。中心县大都市规划组织(CCMPO)是宾夕法尼亚州中心县的交通规划实体。CCMPO的具体职能包括:

  • 每两年制定一次统一规划工作计划(UPWP),以描述关键的规划活动和政策行动;
  • 维持长期交通计划(LRTP)——对财政限制的交通战略和政策的描述,至少每五年更新一次,涵盖至少20年的规划期;
  • 制定交通改善计划(TIP) – 一项为期四年的多式联运计划,描述交通项目时间表、资金金额、资金来源和牵头机构,每两年更新一次;
  • 评估交通替代方案;和
  • 根据已通过的公众参与计划(PPP)进行公众参与。



CCMPO既是联邦交通基金的主要接受者,也是次级接受者。因此,CCMPO 的政策是确保任何人不得以种族、肤色或国籍为由被排除在参与、被剥夺其任何计划、服务或活动的利益或以其他方式受到歧视,正如 1964 年《民权法案》第六章所规定的那样。



c/o 中心区域规划局(CRPA
2643网关驱动器 套房 4
宾夕法尼亚州州立大学 16801
如果需要其他语言的信息,请致电(814) 231-3050。

本通知可在 CCMPO 网站的“第六章/非歧视信息”部分(https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E中找到,并以英语和简体中文张贴在 CCMPO 的主要实体营业地点(2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA 16801)。



CCMPO既是联邦交通基金的主要接受者,也是次级接受者。因此,CCMPO的政策是确保任何人不得因种族、肤色、国籍、宗教信仰、残疾、性别、年龄、收入、语言或英语水平有限而被排除在参与之外,被剥夺其任何计划、服务或活动的好处,或以其他方式受到歧视,根据 1964 年《民权法案》第六章、1973 年《康复法案》第 504 条、1987 年《民权恢复法案》、1990 年《美国残疾人法案》(ADA)以及任何其他相关的联邦、州或地方非歧视和/或民权法律法规的规定。

任何认为自己因 CCMPO 根据任何联邦、州或地方非歧视和/或民权法律和法规的任何非法歧视行为而受到伤害的人都可以向 CCMPO 或其他提供监督的联邦和/或州机构提出投诉。请参阅下面的“管理”部分。

任何需要辅助援助或服务进行有效沟通的人,或修改政策或程序以参与中心县大都市规划组织(CCMPO)的计划、服务或活动的人,或任何投诉 CCMPO 的计划、服务或活动对残疾人无法访问的人应联系:

c/o 中心区域规划局(CRPA
2643网关驱动器 套房 4
宾夕法尼亚州州立大学 16801
(814) 231-3050


环境正义(EJ) / 英语水平有限(LEP政策声明

根据第 12898 号行政命令(解决少数族裔和低收入人群环境正义的联邦行动),CCMPO 的政策是防止由于其计划、服务和活动的任何影响而对低收入和少数族裔人口的歧视。这包括承诺尽一切合理努力:

  • (b)酌情查明并处理对低收入和少数群体造成的不成比例的高和不利的人类健康和环境影响,包括社会和经济影响;和
  • 防止拒绝、减少或延迟与惠及低收入和少数族裔的计划、服务和活动相关的福利。

此外,根据第 13166 号行政命令(改善英语水平有限的人获得服务的机会),CCMPO 将确保英语水平有限(LEP)的人有意义地获得其计划、服务和活动。



联邦财政援助被定义为分配给 CCMPO 的任何联邦资金,用于通过赠款、贷款或合同(保险或担保合同除外)支持任何计划和活动。 CCMPO从联邦公路管理局(FHWA)和联邦运输管理局(FTA)获得资金,以执行《基础设施投资和就业法案》(IIJA)规定的交通规划要求。此外,CCMPO 协助管理来自 FHWA 和 FTA 的联邦资金,这些资金被各机构用于建设、运营和维护各种交通改进。



履行 CCMPO 对这些政策的承诺的责任在于 CCMPO 合规官 /ADA 协调员。 CCMPO合规官负责管理这些非歧视政策和计划,并将接收和调查通过CCMPO既定的投诉程序提出的歧视和民权投诉。


首席交通规划师/合规官/ ADA协调员
c/o 中心区域规划局(CRPA
2643网关驱动器 套房 4
宾夕法尼亚州州立大学 16801



Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)

Appendix B

The Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) Title VI / Non-Discrimination Complaint Procedures specify the process employed by the CCMPO to investigate discrimination and civil rights complaints, while ensuring due process for both complainants and respondents. These procedures do not preclude the CCMPO from attempting to informally resolve complaints.

These procedures apply to all external complaints regarding discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religious creed, disability, sex, age, income, language, or limited English proficiency as it relates to any program or activity administered by the CCMPO and/or its subrecipients, consultants and contractors, filed under the protections of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and any other related federal, state, or local non-discrimination and/or civil rights laws and regulations.

These procedures are part of an administrative process that does not provide for remedies that include punitive damages or compensatory remuneration for the complainant. Intimidation or retaliation of any kind is prohibited by law.


Complaint Process

An individual – or their representative – who believes that they have been subject to discrimination or retaliation prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and any other related federal, state, or local non-discrimination and/or civil rights laws and regulations has the right to file a complaint. 

Such complaints must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence, when the alleged discrimination became known to the complainant, or – when there has been a continuing course of conduct – the date on which the conduct was discontinued or latest instance of the conduct.

Complaints shall be in writing and signed by the complainant(s).  If complaints are received by telephone or in person, the CCMPO Compliance Officer or other authorized representative shall formally interview the complainant to provide the basis for the written complaint.  If necessary, the CCMPO Compliance Officer or other authorized representative will assist the complainant in writing the complaint.

The written complaint must include the following information:

  • Name, address, and telephone number of complainant;
  • Basis of the complaint (e.g., race, color, national origin, religious creed, disability, age, income, language, limited English proficiency, sex, and/or retaliation);
  • A detailed description of the circumstances that lead the complainant to believe discrimination occurred;
  • Name, address, and telephone number of any person(s) who may have knowledge of the alleged circumstances, or are perceived as parties in the complained-of-incident;
  • Date(s) on which the alleged circumstances occurred; and
  • Other agencies where the complaint was filed.

As an investigation by the appropriate federal and/or state agencies providing oversight moves forward, additional information may be required.

When a complaint is received, the CCMPO Compliance Officer will acknowledge this receipt by notifying the complainant, and immediately transmit the complaint to the appropriate federal and/or state agencies providing oversight (e.g., Federal Highway Administration [FHWA], Federal Transit Administration [FTA], the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation [PennDOT]) for investigation and disposition pursuant to that agency’s Title VI / Non-Discrimination complaint procedures.

The CCMPO Compliance Officer shall maintain a running log of all discrimination and civil rights complaints received.


Filing Complaints

Please fill out a CCMPO Title VI / Non-Discrimination Complaint Form and mail the form to any one person on the following list:

  • Principal Transportation Planner / Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator
    Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
    c/o Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA)
    2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4
    State College, PA  16801
  • Title VI Specialist
    Bureau of Equal Opportunity
    Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
    PO Box 3251
    Harrisburg, PA  17105-3251
  • Federal Transit Administration – Title VI Program Coordinator
    Office of Civil Rights
    US Department of Transportation
    East Building, 5th Floor - TCR
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  20590
  • US Department of Justice
    Office of Justice Programs
    Office for Civil Rights
    810 7th Street, NW
    Washington, DC  20531
  • Civil Rights Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration
    US Department of Transportation
    Pennsylvania Division Office
    228 Walnut Street, Room 508
    Harrisburg, PA 17101-1720

Complaints specific to public accommodation, housing, education, and employment discrimination may also be mailed to:

Equal Opportunity Specialist
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC)
Harrisburg Regional Office
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2210




这些程序适用于所有关于基于种族、肤色、国籍、宗教信仰、残疾、性别、年龄、收入、语言或英语水平有限的歧视的外部投诉,因为这些投诉涉及CCMPO和/或其下属人员、顾问和承包商根据1964年《民权法》第六章的保护而管理的任何计划或活动, 1973年《康复法》第504条、1987年《民权恢复法》、1990年《美国残疾人法》(ADA)以及任何其他相关的联邦、州或地方非歧视和/或民权法律法规。




个人 - 或其代表 - 认为他们受到1964年《民权法》第六章,1973年《康复法》第504条,1987年《民权恢复法》,1990年《美国残疾人法》(ADA)以及任何其他相关的联邦州所禁止的歧视或报复,或当地非歧视和/或民权法律法规有权提出投诉。 




  • 投诉人的姓名、地址和电话号码;
  • 投诉的依据(例如,种族、肤色、国籍、宗教信仰、残疾、性别、年龄、收入、语言、有限的英语水平、性取向和/或报复);
  • 详细说明导致申诉人认为发生了歧视的情况;
  • 可能知道所称情况或被视为被投诉事件的当事方的任何人的姓名、地址和电话号码;
  • 所称情况发生的日期;和
  • 提出投诉的其他机构。


收到投诉后,CCMPO合规官将通过通知投诉人来确认此收据,并立即将投诉转交给提供监督的相应联邦和/或州机构(例如,联邦公路管理局[FHWA],联邦运输管理局[FTA],宾夕法尼亚州交通部[PennDOT]),以便根据该机构的Title VI /非歧视投诉程序进行调查和处置。





  • 首席运输规/官 / ADA协调员
    c/o 中心区域划局
    2643 网关驱动器 套房4
    州立大学, PA 16801

  • 第六章
    哈里斯堡, PA 17105-3251

  • 邦运管理局 - 标题VI协调员
    5 - TCR
    DC 20590

  • 美国司法部
    810第七街, NW
    DC 20531

  • 权专
    哈里斯堡, PA 17101-1720


  • 平等机会
    哈里斯堡, PA 17101-2210



Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)

Appendix c

Please print information below

Complaint Name:

Name of individual assisting complainant:

Complainant address:

Assisting individual address:

Complainant phone number:

Assisting individual phone number:

Basis of complaint (*race, *color, *national origin [*specific to Title VI], **disability [specific to the ADA of 1990], ***religious creed, ***sex, ***age, ***income, ***language, ***limited English proficiency, and/or ***retaliation [specific to other protected classes for which the CCMPO provides non-discrimination protections):

Date(s) of alleged discrimination:

Please provide a detailed description of the circumstances of the incident(s), including any additional information supporting your complaint (please use additional pages as necessary):

Please provide the name(s), title, and address of the person who discriminated against the complainant:

Please provide, if applicable, names and contact information of people who may have knowledge of the alleged incident(s0 or are perceived as parties in the complained of the incident(s):

Please list any other agenc(ies) where complaint has ben filed:

Complainant signature:


To file complaint, mail form to one of the persons below:

  • Principal Transportation Planner / Compliance Officer / ADA Coordinator 
    Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)
    c/o Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA)
    2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4
    State College, PA  16801
  • Title VI Specialist
    Bureau of Equal Opportunity
    Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
    PO Box 3251
    Harrisburg, PA  17105-3251
  • Federal Transit Administration – Title VI Program Coordinator
    Office of Civil Rights
    US Department of Transportation
    East Building, 5th Floor - TCR
    1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC  20590
  • US Department of Justice
    Office of Justice Programs
    Office for Civil Rights
    810 7th Street, NW
    Washington, DC  20531
  • Civil Rights Specialist
    Federal Highway Administration
    US Department of Transportation
    Pennsylvania Division Office
    228 Walnut Street, Room 50

Complaints specific to public accommodation, housing, education, and employment discrimination may also be mailed to:

Equal Opportunity Specialist
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC)
Harrisburg Regional Office
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17101-2210

Click here to download a word document complaint form: https://centreregioncog.govoffice2.com/vertical/Sites/%7B6AD7E2DC-ECE4-41CD-B8E1-BAC6A6336348%7D/uploads/Complaint_Form_-_English_and_Simplified_Chinese_2024_Update.docx


















  • 首席运输规/官 / ADA协调员
    c/o 中心区域划局
    2643 网关驱动
    州立大学, PA 16801

  • 第六章
    哈里斯堡, PA 17105-3251

  • 邦运管理局 - 标题VI协调员
    5 - TCR
    DC 20590

  • 美国司法部
    810第七街, NW
    DC 20531

  • 权专
    哈里斯堡, PA 17101-1720


  • 平等机会
    哈里斯堡, PA 17101-2210

点击此处下载word文档投诉表:  https://centreregioncog.govoffice2.com/vertical/Sites/%7B6AD7E2DC-ECE4-41CD-B8E1-BAC6A6336348%7D/uploads/Complaint_Form_-_English_and_Simplified_Chinese_2024_Update.docx



Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)

Appendix D

Date complaint received:

Complainant name:

Name of individual assisting complainant:

Complainant address:

Assisting individual address:

Complainant phone number:

Assisting individual phone number:

Complainant e-mail address:

Assisting individual e-mail address:

Basis of complaint (*race, *color, *national origin [*specific to Title VI], **disability [specific to the ADA of 1990], ***religious creed, ***sex, ***age, ***income, ***language, ***limited English proficiency, and/or ***retaliation [specific to other protected classes for which the CCMPO provides non-discrimination protections):

Date(s) of alleged discrimination:

Detailed description of the circumstances of the incident(s):

Name(s), title and address of the person who discriminated against the complainant:

Names and contact information of people who may have knowledge of the alleged incident(s) or are perceived as parties in the complained-of incident(s): Other agenc(ies) where complaint has been filed:

Complaint assigned to / investigated by:

Investigation findings:

Disposition of complaint:

Date of disposition:

Additional comments:


Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO)

Appendix E


Public participation is an integral part of the Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization’s(CCMPO’s) transportation planning process. This Public Participation Plan (PPP) outlines a series of standard procedures for informing the public and involving them in a meaningful planning process that provides complete information, timely public notice, and full access by all segments of the population.

On February 28, 2023, the CCMPO Coordinating Committee adopted the updated Public Participation Plan. The adopted document can be found here: https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=772E1BA9-8784-47AF-B233-AFB02300A365 




Appendix F

Click the following link to be directed to the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan and Demographic Data section of the website: https://www.crcog.net/index.asp?SEC=D4352CB9-0D18-4CBD-97D0-AF3CC006148E&DE=8B317311-25CC-4F3B-B399-C5103108DEB6  




Appendix G

The Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) provides language assistance services to individuals of limited English proficiency at no cost to the requester. 

Documents, notices, surveys, agendas, minutes, and other information can be translated directly using the Google Translate function of our website, or written materials will be made available by CCMPO staff via the same method at the primary physical business location of the CCMPO (2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA  16801).

In requests for language assistance where more personalized responses are necessary and appropriate – such as requests for documents not defined as vital by the CCMPO (meeting presentation materials, etc.) or requests for oral translation – accommodations can be made in Chinese if requested with at least five business days’ notice.


文件,通知,调查,议程,会议记录和其他信息可以使用我们网站的Google翻译功能直接翻译,或者 CCMPO 工作人员将通过相同的方法在 CCMPO 的主要实体业务地点(2643 Gateway Drive Suite 4, State College PA 16801)提供书面材料。

在语言协助请求中,如果更个性化的回答是必要的和适当的 - 例如要求 CCMPO 未定义为重要的文件(会议演示材料等)或口头翻译请求 - 如果要求至少提前五个工作日通知,可以用中文进行住宿。

La Organización de Planificación Metropolitana del Condado Central (CCMPO, por sus siglas en inglés) brinda servicios de asistencia lingüística a personas con dominio limitado del inglés sin costo alguno para el solicitante.

Los documentos, avisos, encuestas, agendas, actas y otra información se pueden traducir directamente usando la función Google Translate de nuestro sitio web, o el personal de CCMPO pondrá a disposición los materiales escritos a través del mismo método en la ubicación comercial física principal de CCMPO ( 2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA 16801).

En las solicitudes de asistencia lingüística en las que se necesiten y correspondan respuestas más personalizadas, como solicitudes de documentos no definidos como vitales por el CCMPO (materiales de presentación de reuniones, etc.) o solicitudes de traducción oral, se pueden hacer adaptaciones en chino si se solicitan con al menos aviso mínimo de cinco días hábiles.

Организация городского планирования округа Центр (CCMPO) бесплатно предоставляет услуги языковой помощи лицам с ограниченным знанием английского языка.

Документы, уведомления, опросы, повестки дня, протоколы и другая информация могут быть переведены непосредственно с помощью функции Google Translate на нашем веб-сайте, или письменные материалы будут доступны сотрудникам CCMPO тем же способом в основном физическом офисе CCMPO ( 2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA 16801).

В запросах на языковую помощь, когда необходимы и уместны более персонализированные ответы, например, запросы на документы, которые не определены CCMPO как жизненно важные (материалы для презентаций на собрании и т. д.), или запросы на устный перевод, можно сделать согласование на китайском языке, если это необходимо по адресу: уведомление не менее чем за пять рабочих дней.

 Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization(CCMPO)은요청자에게무료로영어구사능력이부족한개인에게언어지원서비스를제공합니다.

문서, 공지, 설문조사, 의제, 회의록및기타정보는당사웹사이트의 Google 번역기능을사용하여직접번역할수있습니다. 또는서면자료는 CCMPO의주요물리적비즈니스위치에서동일한방법을통해 CCMPO 직원이제공합니다( 2643 Gateway Drive, Suite 4, State College, PA 16801).

CCMPO에서중요하다고정의하지않은문서(회의프레젠테이션자료등) 또는구두번역요청과같이보다개인화된응답이필요하고적절한언어지원요청에서최소 5 영업일통지.



Appendix H

Within this chapter, socioeconomic data at the census tract level from the 2010 U.S. Census, 2014-18 American Community Survey (ACS) and information from the PA Department of Labor is presented for the following categories:

  •   Population and Density
  •   Vehicle Availability
  •   Income and Poverty
  •   Labor Force and Unemployment
  •   Commuting Mode and Travel Time
  •   Distribution of Age 65 and Older Population and Social Security Income
  •   Distribution of Disabled Population
  •   Housing
  •   Top 25 Employers
Click the following link to be directed to the LRTP 2050, Chapter 3 section of the website: https://www.crcog.net/vertical/sites/%7B6AD7E2DC-ECE4-41CD-B8E1-BAC6A6336348%7D/uploads/Chapter_3_-_Existing_Conditions.pdf 


Appendix I



Presidential Executive Order 12898 of 1994 declared that “each Federal agency shall make achieving Environmental Justice (EJ) part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.”

Because the CCMPO has a role in the planning and programming of federal funds for transportation projects and programs through the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the TIP, the CCMPO must determine if the investment of those federal funds results in disparate impacts to minority and low-income populations.

In Pennsylvania, the analysis of potential EJ impacts to minority and low-income populations is conducted using guidance established in the South Central Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Unified Process and Methodology Guide (April 2019), which was jointly developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) PA Division, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Region III, PennDOT Central Office, PennDOT Engineering District 8-0, and six MPOs within District 8-0 - Link: http://ycpc.org/417/Impact-on-Minority-and-Low-Income-Popula. The Guide provides several strategies for accomplishing the “core elements” of an EJ analysis acceptable to FHWA and FTA.

The Guide identifies specific core activities that MPOs in Pennsylvania should complete in an EJ analysis, while recognizing that individual EJ analyses are not a “one size fits all” approach. The Guide is a starting point and provides an incremental approach to follow, with consideration to an individual MPO’s transportation system, demographics, and staff capacity. For the EJ Analysis of the 2023-2026 Centre County TIP, the CCMPO staff determined that the Guide’s “Core Analysis” level of evaluation should be pursued.

In 2021 additional guidance was developed to supplement the South Central Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Unified Process and Methodology Guide (April 2019). Known as the Statewide Environmental Justice Analysis Methodology 2023-2026 Pennsylvania Transportation Improvement Program as developed by Lycoming County Department of Planning and Community Development and Williamsport Area Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization (WATS MPO).  This additional guidance changes the evaluation of concentrations of minority and low-income populations to a more uniform process for the entire state.

The basic elements of an EJ Analysis that meets the spirit and intent of the Executive Order are recommended to be:

  • Identification of EJ populations
  • Assessment of conditions and identification of needs
  • Evaluation of burdens and benefits
  • Identification and addressing of disproportionate and adverse impacts, which will inform future planning efforts

The CCMPO’s EJ Analysis for the 2023-2026 TIP includes the following core elements from the South Central EJ Unified Process and Methodology Guide:

  • Profile of low-income and minority populations
  • Gradient and dot density maps of low-income and minority populations
  • Chart of distribution of pedestrian and bicycle crashes
  • Table of distribution of poor bridges
  • Table of distribution of International Roughness Index (IRI)
  • Classification of projects
  • Map over demographic layer
  • Project distribution and investment mapping
  • Qualitative narrative
Click the following link to be directed to the 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program "Environmental Justice Analysis of Benefits and Burdens" section of the website: 


Appendix J

Presidential Executive Order 12898 of 1994 declared that “each Federal agency shall make achieving Environmental Justice (EJ) part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.”

Because the CCMPO has a role in the planning and programming of federal funds for transportation projects and programs through the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the CCMPO must determine if the investment of those federal fundsresultsindisparateimpactstominorityandlow-incomepopulations.

In Pennsylvania, the analysis of potential EJ impacts to minority and low-income populations is conducted using guidance established in the South Central Pennsylvania Environmental Justice Unified Process and Methodology Guide (April 2019),1 which was jointly developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) PA Division, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Region III, PennDOT Central Office, PennDOT Engineering District 8-0, and six MPOs within District 8-0. The guide provides several strategies for accomplishing the “core elements” of an EJ analysis acceptable to FHWA and FTA.

The guide identifies specific core activities that MPOs in Pennsylvania should complete in an EJ analysis, while recognizing that individual EJ analyses are not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. The guide is a starting point and provides an incremental approach to follow, with consideration of an individual MPO’s transportation system, demographics, and staff capacity. For the EJ Analysis of the2050 LRTP, the CCMPO staff determined that the guide’s “Core Analysis” level of evaluation should be pursued.

The basic elements of an EJ analysis that meets the spirit and intent of the Executive Order are recommended to be:

  • Identification of EJ populations
  • Assessment of conditions and identification of needs
  • Evaluation of burdens and benefits
  • Identification and addressing of disproportionate and adverse impacts, which will inform future planning efforts

The CCMPO’s EJ Analysis for the 2050 LRTP includes the following core elements from the South Central EJ Unified Process and Methodology Guide:

  • Profile of low-income and minority populations
  • Gradient and dot density maps of low-income and minority populations
  • Chart of distribution of pedestrian and bicycle crashes
  • Table of distribution of poor bridges
  • Table of distribution of International Roughness Index (IRI)
  • Categorize projects
  • Map over demographic layer
  • Project distribution and investment mapping
  • Qualitative narrative
Click the following link to be directed to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2050 Appendix B Environmental Justice Analysis section of the website: https://www.crcog.net/vertical/sites/%7B6AD7E2DC-ECE4-41CD-B8E1-BAC6A6336348%7D/uploads/CCMPO_LRTP_2050_Appendix_B_-_Environmental_Justice_Analysis(2).pdf



Appendix K

Click the following link to be directed to the draft minutes of the June 28, 2022 Coordinating Committee meeting: https://centreregioncog.govoffice2.com/vertical/Sites/%7B6AD7E2DC-ECE4-41CD-B8E1-BAC6A6336348%7D/uploads/Coord_Minutes_6-28-22_DRAFT.pdf