Recycle at Work
In the Townships of Benner, College, Harris, Ferguson and Patton:
Commercial, municipal and institutional establishments are required to have refuse and recycling collection services. This includes: businesses, apartments, townhomes, schools, construction, etc.
Township ordinances require the following items be recycled:
(See the sidebar for more information and additional recycling guides and fact sheets)
Centre County also suggests recycling the following materials through a private hauler:
- Mixed Office Paper (magazines, paperboard, ie cereal boxes, envelopes, etc.)
- Newspaper & Phone Books
- Plastic Bottles, Jugs & Jars
- Steel and Aluminum Cans
- Glass Bottles
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Clean Wood and Pallets
- Construction and Demolition Debris
- Kitchen Grease
- Scrap Metal
- Fluorescent Lightbulbs
- Used Motor Oil
- Anti-Freeze
- Brush/Leaves/Grass
- Cloth
Pennsylvania Act 101 mandates recycling for many communities, including Benner, College, Ferguson, Harris and Patton Townships. For more information about your local ordinances, please contact your township or CLICK HERE.
Businesses that choose to self haul or use drop box recycling must submit a recycling plan to the Centre Region COG Regional Refuse and Recycling Program either through mail or email. Use this downloadable form to register your customized commercial recycling plan: DOWNLOAD FORM HERE.
Recycling helps to save money on overall disposal costs and creates jobs by re-manufacturing new products from our waste. It costs $67/ton to dispose of trash and $5/ton to dispose of recyclables.
Recycling conserves natural resources like aluminum, steel, trees, land and oil. It also reduces the amount of energy needed to produce new products and the amount of pollution that enters the environment.
Though recycling at work is a lot like recycling at home, there are some differences. The biggest difference is in the kinds and quantity of materials.
Different businesses produce different waste streams.
- Offices make lots of white copy and computer paper.
- Retail stores generate loads of corrugated cardboard.
- Eating establishments produce many cans and bottles.
- Educational institutions generate a wide variety of materials, depending on where you are.
Those responsible for recycling, must carefully plan for the differences in various kinds of businesses and institutions. Receptacle size, placement, and labeling are especially important. Be sure to have recycling containers right next to trash containers. When given the choice, most people will do the right thing!
For more information download our Recycle at Work Brochure brochure.
CLICK HERE to learn more about commercial recycling at the Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority.