State College Borough - Next Generation Connectivity & Mobility Plan
When:The Borough of State College is leading the developing a comprehensive mobility plan, to be published in May 2023. This plan will develop implementable strategies and capital improvement projects that enhance the Borough’s goal of developing a safe, reliable, efficient, integrated, and connected multimodal transportation system. These proposed improvements to the Borough’s transportation network will enable access, mobility, sustainability, economic development and health and well-being for people of all ages and abilities. This planning process will utilize a data driven and community driven approach to developing the recommendations for future improvement to the Borough’s transportation network.
A public and stakeholder engagement session is scheduled for Thursday, January 26th from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM via Zoom. Attendees can click this link to register:
A Public Engagement Plan has been developed for this project. Engagement will occur throughout the entire 10-month duration of this project. Please visit the NextGen Public Engagement Page to stay up to date with engagement opportunities.