Organics Recycling

Yard, Garden, and Food Waste

First, the categories of organics:

  • Leaves
  • Brush and tree trimmings
  • Grass clippings
  • Garden residue
  • Food waste.

Each category requires different handling, preparation and conditions for composting which results in different collection and composting methods. There are also different regulations for composting leaf, brush and tree trimmings, grass clippings and garden residues than there are for composting food waste.


Leaves, Brush and Tree Trimmings: Seasonal Collection by Townships

The disposal of leaf, brush and tree trimmings is handled by your township, which posts information on its website.  These organic materials are composted in cooperation with the Borough of State College.  This arrangement keeps this material out of the landfill. If you missed your township collection see below for what the contracted hauler, Waste Management, will take with weekly curbside trash collection with curbside refuse collection (not dumpster collection).

If you live in the Borough of State College, they have weekly brush collection and seasonal leaf collection. Check their website for more details. The borough also provides weekly compost collection in the green carts, and that can include small brush and grass clippings in addition to food scraps.

Click here for details about collection of leaves, brush and tree trimmings by the refuse hauler in Benner, College, Ferguson, Harris, and Patton Townships.


Grass Clippings 

  • No grass clippings accepted with trash

Click here to find out what to do with grass clippings


Weekly Curbside Organics Collection

Currently there is no weekly curbside organics collection for the households in COG's Refuse and Recycling service area (Benner, College, Harris, Ferguson and Patton townships). Weekly Curbside Organics Collection occurs ONLY in State College Borough.

Food Waste

Food Waste accounts for 21.5% of the total tonnage in U.S. landfills, and produces 8% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.  In addition, a recent study by Penn State found that in America we throw away an average of $240 per year per person discarding food we've purchased.

Click here to learn about Reducing Your Food Waste.


FAQs Below are some some commonly asked questions and answers regarding organic recycling and compost.