Centre Region Comprehensive Plan - One Vision for 2045


What is a Comprehensive Plan?

 A comprehensive plan, often referred to as a master plan or a strategic plan, is a detailed document that outlines a community's vision for its future development and growth. It typically covers a wide range of topics such as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, environmental conservation, and community services.


Why the Plan is Important to You?

Participating in the update process ensures that resident’s voices are heard, and your perspectives are considered in shaping the future of your community. It provides an opportunity to advocate for your needs, concerns, and aspirations, ensuring that the plan reflects the diverse interests of the community.

By actively engaging in the update process, residents can influence the development of policies, strategies, and priorities that will directly impact their neighborhoods, homes, and daily lives. Their input can shape decisions related to land use, transportation, housing, economic development, environmental protection, and community services.


Who is the Plan for?

The Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA) is guiding the update to the Centre Region Comprehensive Plan for the six (6) municipalities that participate in CRPA, they are:

  • Harris Township
  • College Township
  • Patton Township