Organizational History

The Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization (CCMPO) evolved from two predecessor organizations: 
  1. Centre Region Area Transportation Study (CRATS), which was responsible for conducting long-range transportation planning in the State College, Pennsylvania area in the 1970s.

  2. Centre Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (CRMPO), which was formed in 1982 and succeeded CRATS as the entity responsible for coordinating transportation planning efforts. 

In November 2003, the CRMPO approved the expansion of the MPO to a countywide organization. Effective January 2004, the CCMPO assumed responsibility for coordinating transportation planning efforts in all of Centre County, Pennsylvania.
The CCMPO works closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), the Centre County Planning Commission (CCPC), the Centre County Planning and Community Development Office (CCPCDO), and the SEDA-COG MPO (headquartered in Lewisburg, PA) to identify and prioritize transportation improvement projects in Centre County.