Solar Reports and Factsheets

Centre Region COG is working to improve solar market conditions, making it faster, easier, and more affordable for our residents and businesses to install solar energy systems. These efforts aim to increase the efficiency of local processes related to solar development, which may save our local government time and money. Below are factsheets, resources, and recommendations to support the region in this effort. 

Primary-Scale Solar Study and Toolkit

Report on the basics of primary-scale solar, where they are permitted in the Centre Region and the best practices for regulating the use. (2022)

Best Practices for Regulating Accessory Solar

This guide is intended to provide best practices for the Centre Region municipalities to consider when updating their existing or considering adopting regulations related to solar energy. (2022)

Solar Presentations

Explore the Solar Presentations given in 2021 and 2022 to several COG committees. Presentations were made on roof top and ground-mount solar (accessory use), and primary-scale solar (large grid scale).

Solar Power Basics Factsheet

A factsheet explaining the basics of solar power including how it works, the benefits and information on solar in Pennsylvania. (2017)

Solar-permissive model zoning ordinances

Rationale, considerations, and examples

Supporting Solar Energy

An introductory explanation to solar energy and how municipalities can
adopt regulations to allow for solar alternative energy sources. (2018)