June 5, 2020: COVID-19 Update from the Centre Region Emergency Management Program
June 5, 2020: COVID-19 Update from the Centre Region Emergency Management Program
Centre Region Specific News:
- Schlow Library: The library will begin curbside pick up of materials on Monday, June 8th. You can read more here: https://www.schlowlibrary.org/schlow-at-home
News from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
- There are 74,385 cases in PA. 70 percent of the people diagnosed with COVID-19 statewide have recovered.
- There are 154 cases in Centre County. 2,345 people have tested negative for COVID-19.
- The Department of Health's dashboard shows the number of cases per zip code. You can find the dashboard here: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/bc92e33cfd5d417795f7a7a1a5cb3b1d/
Resources for residents:
Residents can get more information on our special COVID-19 website. The site is updated daily by State College Borough. You can find that site here: https://www.statecollegepa.us/coronavirus
Residents can also get information on the Centre Region Ready Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/centreregionready/
This is the final update that will be sent to elected officials. We hope that you have found these updates to be informative and useful. Any feedback is welcomed.
For questions or more information, please contact Centre Region Public Information Officer Amy Farkas by email at manager@harristownship.org or by phone at 466-6228.