October 8, 2020: COVID-19 Update from the Centre Region Emergency Management Program
Centre Region Specific News:
- Penn State: Penn State Police will enforce State College Borough's COVID-19 Safety Ordinance on campus. You can read more here: https://news.psu.edu/story/634761/2020/10/07/campus-life/penn-state-police-enforce-state-college-borough-ordinance?utm_source=newswire&utm_medium=email&utm_term=634743_HTML&utm_content=10-07-2020-21-53&utm_campaign=Penn%20State%20Today
- Penn State: The University opened three more testing sites on campus. You can read more here: https://news.psu.edu/story/634247/2020/10/05/campus-life/three-new-covid-19-surveillance-testing-sites-announced
- State College Area School District: The District will host the first home football game on October 9th. No public tickets will be sold to the game. A small number of tickets will be provided to families of players. Sidney Friedman Parklet will be closed to the public and will house select members of the State High marching band. You can read more here: https://www.scasd.org/Page/37975
- Centre County: The Bryce Jordan Center will serve as a polling place and a satellite elections office. The County has a new elections website that lists all polling place changes and other important information. You can find that here: https://centrecountyvotes.com/
News from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
- The Governor issued new gathering regulations for events. The regulations, which take effect on Friday, apply to municipal public meetings in locations that do not have a local gathering ordinance. You can read more here: https://www.media.pa.gov/Pages/Health-Details.aspx?newsid=1058
- The state put together a FAQ on the new regulations. You can find that here: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Guidance/Targeted-Mitigation-FAQ.aspx
- The Department of Health rolled out a new mobile app that helps with contact tracing and with symptom tracking. You can read more here: https://www.pa.gov/covid/covid-alert-pa/
- As of October 8th, there are 162,063 cases in PA. 1,985,103 people have tested negative for COVID-19.
- As of October 8th, there are 3,222 cases in Centre County. 30,011 people have tested negative for COVID-19.
Resources for residents:
Residents can get more information on our special COVID-19 website. The site is updated daily by State College Borough. You can find that site here: https://www.statecollegepa.us/coronavirus
Residents can also get information on the Centre Region Ready Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/centreregionready/
State College Borough is maintaining a dashboard by zip code. The dashboard can be found here: https://coronavirus-response-state-college-borough-statecollegepa.hub.arcgis.com/
For questions or more information, please contact Centre Region Public Information Officer Amy Farkas by email at manager@harristownship.org or by phone at 466-6228.