April 6, 2020: COVID-19 Update from the Centre Region Emergency Management Program

April 6, 2020: Daily COVID-19 Update from the Centre Region Emergency Management Program

Centre Region Specific News:
  • Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority: The Authority is adjusting its operations to deal with increased demand at drop off facilities. The messaging around drop off recycling has not changed: Residents have the option of storing their recycling on their property until curbside collection resumes or placing it in their trash in a trash grade bag. We are not encouraging residents to leave their homes to drop off recycling. Please be advised that if you do choose to utilize the drop off locations, you should only do so in accordance with the Governor's order (i.e. don't make a separate trip just to recycle; instead combine it with a trip to the grocery store). Residents are reminded to practice social distancing at all locations.
  • Earned Income Tax (EIT) Update: Act 10 of 2020, recently signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf, directs that the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) to coordinate the filing extension and payment deadlines of the Local Earned Income Tax so that they coincide with State filing extensions.
  • INDIVIDUALS: With the enactment of Act 10 of 2020, the filing deadline for 2019 Individual Earned Income Tax Returns in Pennsylvania has been extended to July 15, 2020. This means taxpayers will have an additional 90 days to file from the original deadline of April 15. This extension applies to both 2019 individual tax returns and payments as well as estimated payments for the 1st quarter of 2020. Additionally, all penalties and interest will be waived on 2019 earned income tax payments through the new deadline of July 15, 2020.
  • EMPLOYERS: Currently, there are no extensions for Employer 1st quarter 2020 earned income tax returns or payment of the 1st quarter 2020 tax withheld from employees – that deadline remains April 30.
  • Guidance on State College Area School District Construction Projects: School districts should use best judgment in exercising their authority to continue critical construction projects, and should not seek a formal exemption through DCED. All school district construction decisions should appropriately balance public health and safety while ensuring the continued safety of critical infrastructure. School districts and the contractors must ensure continuance of and compliance with the social distancing and other mitigation measures to protect employees and the public, including virtual and telework operations (e.g. work from home) as the primary option when available, as have been or will be established by the Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In-person work is only to be performed on the most limited basis possible.

News from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

  • The Governor extended the Stay At Home Order to April 30th. The order has been extended to cover the entire state.
  • There are now 12,980 cases in PA. There are 44 cases in Centre County (that's up 12 since our last update on April 3rd).

Resources for residents:

Residents can get more information on our special COVID-19 website. The site is updated daily by State College Borough. You can find that site here: https://www.statecollegepa.us/coronavirus
Residents can also get information on the Centre Region Ready Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/centreregionready/
One of our live updates next week will focus on resources to help residents and businesses. If you know of any agencies or groups in the area that are offering assistance, please send the information to me at manager@harristownship.org. Thank you!
Next update will be sent April 7th.
For questions or more information, please contact Centre Region Public Information Officer Amy Farkas by email at manager@harristownship.org or by phone at 466-6228.