Emergency Management
Centre Region Office of Emergency Management
Pennsylvania Title 35 requires municipalities to adopt an emergency operations plan, designate an emergency operations center, and recommend the appointment of an emergency management coordinator. Since 1990, on behalf of its six member municipalities, the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) has operated a regional emergency management program. Coordinating their efforts with the Pennsylvania State University, Centre County Office of Emergency Services and the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, the municipalities adopted a single emergency operations plan, designated a shared emergency operations center, and recommended the appointment of an Emergency Management Coordinator.
The Centre Region Emergency Management Council, consisting of the municipal manager from each participating municipality, the COG Executive Director, the Vice Chair of the COG and a Pennsylvania State University representative, has oversight of the Centre Region Emergency Management Program.
For more information about the Centre Region Emergency Management Program, email or by phone at (814) 235-7838.
Centre Region/Penn State Joint EOP
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