New Resident Guidelines for Trash and Recycling
Refuse and Recycling Guidelines for Residents of
Centre Region and Benner Township
State laws and local ordinances govern the disposal of refuse and mandate recycling in our area. While state laws apply to all municipalities, local ordinances can differ widely. In every Centre Region municipality, the homeowner/resident pays for the service through an account with their trash hauler. If you are renting a home, check with the homeowner or property management firm about your trash and recycling account.
These guidelines do not apply if you live in a multi-unit building with dumpster service. Click here for information on trash and recycling in apartments, townhomes, and condominiums.
Find your collection day on our map: you just type in your address, and your home and collection information will come up.
Click on the button on the right for the map.
State College Borough:
The Borough collects your trash and Centre County Refuse and Recycling Authority collects your recycling.
Your account for both services is automatically set up with the Borough once you buy the property.
You will be billed every 6 months.
Benner Township:
You are required to use Centre Region Council of Governments’ (COG) contracted hauler, which is now Waste Management, unless you live on 10+ acres of land which is used for agricultural purposes.
You need to set up an account with Waste Management once you buy the house.
Contact info: phone: 866-272-6861 email:
You will be billed on a quarterly basis.
College Township:
You are required to use Centre Region Council of Governments’ (COG) contracted hauler, which is now Waste Management, unless you live on 10+ acres of land which is used for agricultural purposes.
You need to set up an account with Waste Management once you buy the house.
Contact info: phone: 866-272-6861 email:
You will be billed on a quarterly basis.
Ferguson Township:
You are required to use Centre Region Council of Governments’ (COG) contracted hauler, which is now Waste Management, unless you live on 10+ acres of land which is used for agricultural purposes.
You need to set up an account with Waste Management once you buy the house.
Contact info: phone: 866-272-6861 email:
You will be billed on a quarterly basis.
Halfmoon Township:
You are NOT required to use COG’s contracted hauler.
You need to choose a hauler and set up an account with them for service to collect your trash and recycling. Go to for more information.
Harris Township:
You are required to use Centre Region Council of Governments’ (COG) contracted hauler, which is now Waste Management, unless you live on 10+ acres of land which is used for agricultural purposes.
You need to set up an account with Waste Management once you buy the house.
Contact info: phone: 866-272-6861 email:
You will be billed on a quarterly basis.
Patton Township:
You are required to use Centre Region Council of Governments’ (COG) contracted hauler, which is now Waste Management, unless you live on 10+ acres of land which is used for agricultural purposes.
You need to set up an account with Waste Management once you buy the house.
Contact info: phone: 866-272-6861 email:
You will be billed on a quarterly basis.
Benner, College, Ferguson, Harris and Patton Townships and State College Borough
- Residential Recycling is mandated by municipal ordinances, and mandated by the state for most of these municipalities. You are required by PA law and municipal ordinance to place recyclables in your recycling bin and not in the trash.
- Recycling collection is sub-contracted by the hauler to the Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority. The fee for this separate collection is included in your refuse bill. Contact the hauler to receive a red recycling bin if your new home does not have one.
- Collection will be on the same day as your trash service.
Halfmoon Township
Residents in Halfmoon Township should visit the township’s website for information on recycling at