Centre Region Economic Development Assessment

The Centre Region Economic Development Assessment is the first study of its kind to be undertaken by the COG.  The objective was to prepare a series of recommendations and implementation actions that would help define a cohesive regional economic development policy for the Centre Region.

The assessment does not establish a grand vision for economic development, but rather builds a path based on regional strengths and the evaluation of specific areas where change in existing practices could be improved.  The report provides a series of recommendations that will be implemented over a number of years.

The Centre Region Economic Development Assessment was accepted by the COG General Forum on August 22, 2011.

Centre Region Economic Development Assessment - Final Report.pdf

Centre Region Economic Development Assessment - Appendices.pdf

Local Economic Development Links:

Chamber of Business and Industry Centre County (CBICC)

Centre County Industrial Development Corporation (CCIDC)

Small Business Development Center, Penn State (SBDC)

Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)

Additional Links:

Your Economy (YE). Explore economic activity in your own community and across the country. Your Economy is a business census containing more than 24 million active establishments providing detailed information about the performance of businesses from a local to a national perspective.


Dun and Bradstreet. Offers an online database of more 79 million businesses around the world. Companies can search for and conduct research of potential suppliers, business partners, and competitors.
