Developments of Regional Impact (DRI)

The six Centre Region municipalities that are signatory to the Centre Region Comprehensive Plan and Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan have agreed to the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) process outlined in Section V of the Centre Region Growth Boundary and Sewer Service Area (RGB and SSA) Implementation Agreement (see sidebar at right).

According to the RGB and SSA Implementation Agreement, the following proposals are designated as Developments of Regional Impact (DRI):

  1. Any request to expand the Regional Growth Boundary and Sewer Service Area or to extend public sewer infrastructure to areas outside of the existing Sewer Service Area.

  2. Any proposal to rezone or complete zoning text amendments for properties outside of the Regional Growth Boundary and Sewer Service Area that will permit development density greater than one equivalent dwelling unit per acre.

Due to the impact that Developments of Regional Impact can have on the community’s wastewater collection and treatment system and on its overall infrastructure network, the Centre Region Municipalities have agreed that these proposals warrant increased regional discussion and deliberation by the Centre Regional Planning Commission and COG General Forum

Halfmoon Township DRI Request