
Leaves, Brush and Tree Trimmings


The disposal of leaves, brush and tree trimmings is handled by your township, which posts information on its website.  These organic materials are mulched or composted, which keeps this material out of the landfill.


Please watch this 4 minute Brush and Leaf Video to learn how to properly prepare your items for collection.

College Township 814-231-3021

College Twp website - Leaf & Brush Collection

Monthly brush collection in the spring and summer with a fall brush collection event. Two leaf collection events per year - one in the spring and one in the fall.

 Ferguson Township


 Ferguson Twp website - Leaf & Brush Collection

Monthly collection will occur April - November. Curbside brush and leaf collection will be suspended December - March.

Patton Township 814-234-0271

Patton Twp website - Leaf & Brush Collection -  Offers monthly collection of brush and leaves.

Benner Township 814-355-1419

Benner Twp website for contact details

Two collections for brush and leaves per year, spring and fall. By appointment only.

Harris Township


 Harris Twp Leaf & Brush Collection website

Two collections for each year, spring and fall. Weekly leaves in the fall.

 Yard Waste in your trash:

Grass, leaves, brush, and tree cuttings cannot be mixed with your weekly garbage for collection as trash, nor can they be collected as "bulk waste."  The only yard material permitted in your trash is "garden residue" such as weeds and stalks, and tree fruits (apples, acorns, pinecones) because these materials cannot be collected by the townships' equipment.

So, what can you do with your yard waste?   You can grasscycle, leafcycle, and/or compost your yard waste. 

How to handle your grass clippings: Grass clippings can be grasscycled or dropped off at several area locations. Go HERE to learn more.

Leafcycling: Leave those leaves on your lawn!  Go here to learn more about this eco-friendly way to handle your Fall leaves, and to help your lawn at the same time.

 COMPOSTING: Go HERE to learn more about backyard composting.