CAAP Implementation Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

At its March 28, 2022 meeting, the General Forum authorized the formation of the next volunteer technical advisory group (TAG) to assist the Sustainability Planner and Climate Action & Sustainability (CAS) Committee with the implementation of the Centre Region Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The CAAP is a comprehensive plan including 82 actions to guide the community on a path to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 and adapting to a changing climate.

The TAG will provide technical assistance to the Sustainability Planner and the corresponding COG Committees to develop a strategy to implement the CAAP. The Implementation Strategy will include a detailed level of priority actions along with the resources and funding needed to implement the Centre Region Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) through 2026.

 The TAG meets randomly every other month.
Contact to be added to the meeting distribution list. 

CAAP- Implementation TAG Members include:

  • Brandi Robinson – PSU Assistant Teaching Professor in Energy and Sustainability Policy
  • Jasmine Fields – SCB Sustainability Program Officer
  • Peter Buck – PSU Sustainability Institute Academic Programs Manager
  • Lisa Richardson – Marketing consultant, SmartPivot Energy 
  • Xianbiao (XB) Hu – PSU Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Larson Transportation Institute
  • Matthew Rooke – Building Energy Engineer, Envinity
  • Ayodeji Oluwalana – PSU Waste Reduction and Recycling Program Manager
  • Pam Adams – CRPA Sustainability Planner

The TAG would like to acknowledge and thank David Whitman and Scott Perry who both served on the TAG until March 2024. We appreciate their contribution and valuable input.