Hybrid Meetings at COG

The Centre Region Council of Governments is committed to allowing for the full participation of the public and its members at its hybrid and fully in-person meetings. Pathways for public participation and its members at COG meetings shall always remain a priority to its members and staff.

On June 28, 2021, General Forum members passed Resolution 2021-7, a resolution of the Centre Region Council of Governments to permit electronic and remote attendance and participation in COG meetings. Resolution 2021-7 as approved can be viewed here.

Resolution 2021-7 in part states that the Centre Region Council of Governments shall not require an in-person quorum of its members for General Forum, COG Committee, or other COG group meetings in order to conduct the business of the COG as long as:

    1. An overall quorum of members is met by those attending jointly, both in-person and remotely, by way of electronic device or technology, and;
    2. The members and the public participating remotely can hear and be heard by others, and;
    3. The advertised physical location for the meeting is accessible to members of the public to attend and participate in the meeting, and;
    4. At a minimum, the COG/Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, or other designated elected official should be present at the physical advertised meeting location to assist staff in facilitating the hybrid meeting and to be a presence in the room for those members of the public that have chosen to attend in-person. The Chair for the meeting may preside over the meeting either remotely or from the physical meeting location.