CAAP Planning Process

Below are ways that you can learn about the process for creating a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). Stakeholder engagement, focus groups and community engagement are all critical to creating a meaningful regional community plan. CRPA will be developing ways to engage virtually soon and may be able to later offer in-person events. Check back here for a future growing list of ways to get involved and provide input. : website to learn about the climate impacts in PA, our community survey and forum on climate planning and more

Sign up for our newsletter for updates 6x per year. 

Climate Action & Sustainability (CAS) Committee meetings

Climate Action & Adaptation Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meetings


Watch the November 22, 2021 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan PowerPoint presentation given to the General Forum preparing for the adoption of the plan. Learn about:

  • Purpose of the CAAP
  • Steps taken to create the CAAP
  • Guiding principles
  • Goals and objectives
View the PowerPoint slides.

View the July 13, 2020 Climate Action and Adaptation Planning PowerPoint slides that provides an overview of the following:

  • Why is the region working on creating a CAAP?
  • What is a greenhouse inventory & its value?
  • What are the inventory final results for our community?
  • What are the recommended targets currently under consideration?


Citizens' Climate Lobby Presentation

On June 28, 2020 Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s State College chapter hosted a free platform for an introduction to an important initiative on climate change that our local governments are undertaking.