How do I Volunteer?
Citizen participation is critical to the success of the volunteer fire department. We can only enjoy the benefits provided by the volunteer system provided we have sufficient numbers of capable individuals willing to volunteer their service. Current volunteer opportunities include the positions of firefighter and fire police officer. No prior experience is required.
To volunteer as a firefighter simply stop by the main fire station in State College Borough to pick up an application package or log onto the Alpha Fire Company web site. By stopping by the fire station you can meet some of our firefighters and have any questions answered to help assure this type of service is for you. Please return your application in accordance with the schedule below. Be sure to include any supporting documentation such as training certificates (copies only please: no originals). To facilitate the training of new firefighters and fire police, we bring new members into the company three times each year:
To start in February: Your application should be received by us no later than November 15.
To start in June: Your application should be received by us no later than May 1.
To start in September: Your application should be received by us no later than August 1.
NOTE: If you are a first term freshman at Penn State you are invited to submit your application for a January start (your second academic term).
Fire Police Officers may be brought into the company on a monthly schedule. Please be sure to ask about the current schedule at the time you submit your application.
Once your application is received we will complete a background check (criminal and driving records). We will contact your references and invite you in for an interview. Upon completion of these steps we will send you to our health care provider for a pre-employment physical at our expense. After your successful completion of these steps you will be brought into the company as a probationary firefighter or fire police officer.
Within 24 months of joining the company you must complete certification training for your position. Firefighter certification includes national certification to Firefighter I, Hazardous Materials -Operations Level and Basic First Aid/CPR. Fire Police Officers must complete PA Basic and Advanced Fire Police. All training expenses (tuition, books, fees, travel, etc.) are covered by the company.
If you have already attained Firefighter I certification you will participate in an in-house training program to become familiar with Alpha’s equipment and preferred methods. Similarly, if you have already completed Basic and Advanced Fire Police training you will only need to be oriented to Alpha.
If you have questions regarding fire company membership please do not hesitate to contact us. The administrative office is open during normal weekday business hours (814-237-4127), and there are usually personnel in the station days and evenings (814-237-5359). You are always welcome to email the Fire Director: skauffman@centreregionfire.com.