Household Hazardous Waste
According to PA DEP, each person in Pennsylvania produces an average of four pounds of HHW each year or about 25,000 tons/yr. statewide. Such consumer waste products, if carelessly managed can, and frequently do, create environmental and public health hazards.
How Should HHW Be Managed?
1. The best method of managing Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is to prevent its generation in the first place. This involves selecting the least toxic item "to do the job" and buying only the minimum amounts necessary. Buying in large quantities is not a bargain if half of it has to be discarded.
2. If the material is still useable (i.e. has not been damaged/shelf life expired, etc.) check with friends and neighbors to see if they might be able to use it.
3. If the material is not useable and/or if such "outlets" are not available, it should be taken to Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority's HHW Collection Event. This program will ensure that your HHW is recycled or otherwise, managed in an environmentally preferable way under the hazardous waste provisions of the law. Please see HHW collection event for details on this two day event to be held each Spring. See CCRRA's website for more info.
2024 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event:
Friday, April 26
Saturday, April 27
Advanced Reservations are required. Go HERE to register, or call 814-238-7005.
4. If you must discard the materials prior to the next scheduled event, you may legally discard them in your regular trash pick up, provided:
- You have read the label and complied with any disposal directions.
- Liquids have either been allowed to evaporate (if water based) or absorbed (if non-water based) on some material such as vermiculite, cat litter, or sawdust, so that there are no freestanding liquids.
- The remaining residue has been packaged to prevent leakage while the material is being transported to the disposal facility
- The material is placed out in small quantities over several collection periods.
You can get additional information by contacting the PA HHW hotline at 1-800-346-4242
For specific disposal questions, contact a waste management chemist in your DEP Regional Offices.