Commercial Trash Collection

Commercial trash collection is not contracted by the Centre Region Council of Governments.  Therefore, it is your responsibility to choose and contract a licensed hauler for your refuse disposal. As per Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority's Rules and Regulations, all regulated municipal waste, excepting Household Hazardous Waste and Special Handling Waste, must be transported directly to CCRRA 's Transfer Station or to a facility outside the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  

Commercial property owners/managers should also work with their hauler to set up a recycling program. Please note that recycling is mandatory for commercial properties within State College Borough and the Townships of Benner, College, Ferguson, Harris and Patton.  Oftentimes, owners will use the same hauler for their trash and recycling services.  Your hauler will be able to advise you on the type of collection containers for both refuse and recycling, as well as the frequency of collection that best suits your business needs.  

Remember—you are the customer!  It is your right to shop around for the best price on services

View a current list of Centre Region haulers.