Regional Planning
The CRPA provides both regional and local planning services to its member municipalities.
Regional Planning services include the preparation and maintenance of the regional comprehensive plan, and special studies and planning activities related to sewer, water, land use, open space, recreation, demographics, environmental, community facilities or transportation issues. The Agency promotes dialogue among the member municipalities to develop cooperative solutions to regional problems.
Centre Region Comprehensive Plan
A comprehensive plan, often referred to as a master plan or a strategic plan, is a detailed document that outlines a community's vision for its future development and growth. It typically covers a wide range of topics such as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, environmental conservation, and community service The Centre Region municipalities adopted the 2013 Update to the Centre Region Comprehensive Plan on November 25, 2013.
The Centre Region Comprehensive Plan is currently being updated. Provide your input to the One Vision for 2045 Plan below.
Regional Development Capacity
Regional development capacity is defined as the number of dwelling units and the amount of non-residential square footage (commercial, industrial, office) that is currently approved or currently zoned for development inside the Regional Growth Boundary/Sewer Service Area (RGB/SSA).
Centre Region Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan
The adopted and approved 2006 Act 537 Plan Update is the Official Sewage Facilities Plan for the Centre Region. The six Centre Region municipalities continue to work cooperatively with the Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA); Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG); and the University Area Joint Authority (UAJA) to develop and maintain a coordinated plan to guide future sewage facility decisions in the community.
- The 2009 Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Amendment for the Big Hollow Sewer Interceptor Overflow Mitigation Project addresses three deficient segments of the UAJA’s collection and conveyance system that were identified in the 2006 Plan.
- The 2016 Act 537 Special Study for the Pennsylvania State University Water Reuse System addresses the Pennsylvania State University’s reclaimed water system, including the location of existing lines and future demand.
- The 2017 Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update for the Extension of Beneficial Reuse Water Lines to Harris Township evaluates extending the UAJA's existing Beneficial Reuse water system into Harris Township to serve specific customers.
- The 2018 Act 537 Special Study to Upgrade the Penn State University Park Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) identifies the need to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant in order to renovate and replace aged infrastructure, improve onsite safety, and improve the treatment and energy efficiency of the facility.
Area Plans
While the Centre Region Comprehensive Plan provides a solid foundation for addressing regional planning challenges, the successful implementation of regional planning principles requires a more detailed study of strategic areas of the community. The following documents are the culmination of multi-year studies by the Centre Regional Planning Agency, as directed by Steering Committees comprised of elected and appointed officials from each of the study areas.
Centre Region Land Consumption Study 2020
The Centre Region municipalities utilize a Regional Growth Boundary (RGB) to direct where the majority of future growth and development should occur. While there is a considerable amount of vacant land within the boundary to meet future residential and non-residential development needs for the foreseeable future, efficient development of these vacant parcels is crucial to ensuring that the current boundary will be able to meet the needs of the Region over the long term. In 2020, the CRPA prepared the Centre Region Land Consumption Study which evaluates how residential lands within the Growth Boundary have been developed over time. Based on the findings of this analysis, the report recommends that the Centre Region municipalities consider establishing a minimum development density. A minimum development density within the RGB can help ensure that residential lands are developed efficiently, thereby extending the capacity of the remaining vacant land areas within the boundary.
Wastewater Treatment and Beneficial Reuse
Assessing New Opportunities for Workforce Housing in the Centre Region
Anecdotal signs suggest that the rental market for student housing is becoming saturated. The spike of student-focused housing occurred concurrent to the loss of several more affordably priced rental neighborhoods throughout the Region. Therefore, now is a good time to get an accurate accounting of the rental market. By obtaining precise data of the student rental market, this report attempts to assess if there could be any potential opportunities for affordable housing due to the increase of student housing. This report will outline the process and results of the assessment. This report is consistent with the 2013 Centre Region Comprehensive Plan as it is looking for a way to adequately supply housing to meet the needs of existing and future Centre Region residents.
Centre Region Economic Development Assessment
As part of the Comprehensive Plan Update, the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) contracted with the consulting firm BBP & Associates, LLP to forge a better defined and more comprehensive regional approach to economic development in the Centre Region.