2025-2028 Centre County Transportation Improvement Program
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a list of priority road, bridge and public transportation projects to be funded by federal and state capital dollars over the next four federal fiscal years (October-September). The TIP is prepared cooperatively by PennDOT, the CCMPO, the Centre Area Transportation Authority (CATA), and the Centre County Office of Transportation Services (CCOT). The TIP makes up the first four years of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Twelve Year Program (TYP), and is updated by PennDOT and the CCMPO every two years.
The Air Quality Conformity Determination Report is prepared to ensure that the projects on the TIP do not result in vehicle emissions that exceed the emissions budgets established for Centre County, relative to the 1997 8-hour ozone national Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).
PennDOT, CATA, the CCOT and other project sponsors are responsible for implementing the projects and programs funded on the TIP. Projects on the TIP usually proceed in phases (for roads and bridges, the phases include preliminary engineering, final design, relocation of utilities, right-of-way acquisition, and construction). Funding for each project phase is listed on the TIP.
CCMPO Title VI, Environmental Justice (EJ), and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Policy Statement
Click here to watch or listen to the recording of the May 14, 2024 Public Meeting.
Below is a map illustrating road and bridge projects included on the 2025-2028 Centre County TIP. The TIP is revised frequently, and this version of the map reflects the road and bridge projects included on the TIP as of April 25, 2024. Not all of the road and bridge projects are illustrated on the map.
For more detailed information about the location and funding for all road and bridge projects on the 2025-2028 TIP, please click on the link below the map for the “2025-2028 TIP Summary of Highway Elements” table, or visit PennDOT’s One Map website at the link provided below. The common identifier linking the map with the project tables is the PennDOT MPMS project number.
Click here to download the map in PDF format.
Click here to view the 2025-2028 TIP Summary of Highway Elements Table
For more details, visit www.gis.penndot.gov/onemap/
Below are the documents of the 2025-2028 TIP. The CCMPO Coordinating Committee will consider approval at its June 25, 2024 meeting.